Education Through Imagination

Developing Positive
Teacher-Student Relations

Teacher-Student Relations

 The teacher student relationship is very important for children. Students of all ages want to feel cared for and valued by their teachers. Developing this positive teacher student relationship is one of the most effective steps you can take to establish a positive classroom environment for learning. Students who have positive relationships with their teachers use them as a secure base from which they can explore relationships with peers, develop self-esteem and self-concept. Through this secure relationship, students learn about socially appropriate behaviors as well as academic expectations and how to achieve these expectations.

Developing a positive teacher student relationship varies with differing age groups. Here are some strategies to help:

Communicating positive expectations

A teacher’s expectations have a dramatic impact on student academic performance. Communicating appropriately high behavioral and academic expectations to all students, not just to high achievers, is vital. Call on all students equitably, recognize all your students, since bypassing a student communicates a low level of confidence in their abilities. A simple check-list will help you monitor who you give response opportunities to.

Teachers give more time to students when they have confidence in their ability to answer a question and less time to students in whom they have little confidence. Give all students more time to respond. Students feel flattered when the teacher asks for an opinion. Low-achieving students will begin to pay more attention, become more actively involved in discussions, and minimize their behavior issues. You can help by giving clues, but not so many that they feel inadequate or threatened. Remember to give appropriate and helpful feedback to the students.

Tell your students you have confidence that they can handle a difficult assignment or improve their behavior. Students often will work hard and behave appropriately to prove that your confidence in them is justified. Refer back to past successes to help build confidence. After the event, telling a student you knew they would be successful instils confidence and a culture of positive expectations.
Creating a positive teacher student relationship will not necessarily control the disruptive students. Student disruptions will occur frequently in classes that are poorly organized and managed or where students are not provided with appropriate and interesting instructional tasks. Be aware of any difficulties the student is having so you can help them learn at a high level and accomplish tasks quickly.

Correction and discipline

Correcting and disciplining students for inappropriate behaviors is a necessary and important part of every teacher's job. The goal in correcting students should be to have them reflect on what they did, be sorry that they disappointed you and make a better choice in the future. If you allow students to keep their dignity, you increase the chance that they will reflect on their behavior and choose their behaviors more wisely in the future. A quick, fair, and meaningful consequence while at the same time communicating that you care for and respect the student will work.

Discipline in a private location and do not embarrass the student in front of others. Stay calm. When students are used to getting into trouble and having negative attention, it takes a while to break the cycle, so be patient. Conflicting interactions between teachers and students may convey a lack of acceptance, causing other students to also reject the student involved in the conflict with the teacher
In summary, teachers can establish a positive relationship with their students by communicating with them and properly providing feedback to them. Respect between teacher and student allows both to feel enthusiastic when learning and teaching.

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